Webinar Dive into the latest trends in L&D with Donald H. Taylor

Dive into the latest trends in L&D with Donald H. Taylor, chief researcher, L&D Global Sentiment Survey.

Over the past 12 months there has been plenty of change in L&D. Not just in technologies, but also in methodologies. Certainly, there has been plenty of noise around Artificial Intelligence (AI), but what else has changed in the past year, and where might L&D be heading?

Join Donald H. Taylor as he draws on interviews and research to explore the rapidly changing L&D landscape with Henriette Kloots. They will explore the opportunities and challenges in this period of turbulent change, and contrast the hype of AI with the reality of how people are actually using it.
Wat levert het jou op?
You wil gain more insights and knowledge in the following topics:
  • The new role(s) of AI in L&D
  • How L&D is easily distracted by online chatter
  • Why this time the change is real – and what it means for L&D
  • The impact of new tech players in L&D– it’s not trivial
  • Introduction to the L&D Global Sentiment Survey for 2024
Dinsdag 7 november 12.00 – 13.00 uur CET.
Online via Zoom. In het Engels, maar Henriette van Pink Coat zal helpen met de vertaling indien nodig. Je ontvangt de deelname gegevens na je aanmelding (zie hieronder).
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