Emerging Technologies: How advances in science and technology could transform the ways we live, work and learn

12 maart 2018 a.remmits@xprtise.com

I watched a wonderful keynote delivered by Rohit Talwar at the Learning Technologies conference in January 2018. For me this was one of the best keynotes I have watched in the past 12 months, so really love to share this with you! Some of the great lessons from this session are:
  1. All the disruption coming to us requires us to change to a digital mindset within our organizations and L&D needs to help changing the mindset; we even need to start understanding that we need: “letting everything go that we believe in” 
  2. The internet becoming the center of our existence and how AI is truly enabling new business concepts and how far we already are with AI! AI is not just another technology, it is a true game/changer and business disrupter!
  3. The concept of exponential business models! We need to bring exponential thinking into our organizations and also in the way we deliver L&D!
  4. Great piece on the 2 scenarios where our schooling system of the future might go!
  5. L&D: Experiment to challenge the orthodoxies; and help evolve a digital mindset in your organization (is different from doing things digital)! The power of internal and external learning collaboration and do experiments!

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